Our school has a social worker from the charity CARITAS (Nadia Walsh) who comes into school one morning each week. She works with children either individually or within groups on issues such as behaviour or in developing self-esteem.
Our school is part of the i-Reach programme, which is part of Salford’s Thrive in Education offer. As part of this, we have a CAMHs practitioner in school half a day each week.
Teachers have taken part in training on Mindfulness and children are now benefitting from regular meditation and contemplation time.
Circle time and PSHCE sessions give children the chance to air their views and to learn more about relationships, health and emotions.
As a Catholic school our collective worship and religion lessons encourage children to reflect on how they treat others and on making the right choices. We also have a school chapel where children like to go for quiet time.
Our lunchtime welfare staff are trained in teaching children games and encouraging cooperation and team work.