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Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School

Love Jesus, Love Learning, Love Life.


What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with SEN?

IEP targets are reviewed regularly and adjusted if necessary.


Teachers formally review IEPs three times a year, at the end of each term.


If teachers feel that a child is not making adequate progress, they can discuss that child with the SENDCo. Further additional resources or the involvement of outside agencies may be needed. Equally if a child appears to be making good progress it may be decided that they may no longer need specific targets.


Parents of all children on the school’s SEND are given the opportunity to give their views and to have input into their child’s IEP. New IEPs are sent home for parents to comment on and to give their input. Informally at any time parents can speak to the SENDCo or class teacher about any concerns or queries regarding their child.


If a decision is made to place a child on the SEND register parents will immediately be informed and the next steps for their child will be discussed.


Pupils are also involved in formulating and assessing their own IEP targets if appropriate. Teachers share targets with children and keep them informed on progress they are making towards reaching them.


Children who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be reviewed either annually (every 6 months if under 5), or if needs change more regularly. Parents, professionals involved with the child, the SENDCo, class teacher and child’s Teaching Assistant (if applicable) will be invited to the meeting.
