Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School is an inclusive school an inclusive school that aims to remove barriers to learning and participation in order to provide an education that is appropriate to pupils’ needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential for all pupils.
Additional support for children with Special Educational needs:
School staff expertise All teaching staff carried out training on strategies to identify and support children with fine motor skill difficulties. All staff have completed training on attachment difficulties in children. All staff have completed training on working with children with ASD. Two teaching staff have attended training around assessing children in preparation for a dyslexia assessment. SENDCo attended training in order to make referrals to CAMHS. Three teaching assistants attended training in Lego Therapy. Time is given to SEND at INSET days and in staff meetings. School environment Our school is very accessible. There is wheel chair access and a disabled toilet facility. Social and emotional needs All classes have a weekly circle time and PSHCE sessions to discuss and reflect on social and emotional issues. School employs a social worker from the charity CARITAS to do counselling with vulnerable children and also to work with groups on specific issues such as behaviour. Our school is very lucky to be part of the i-Reach programme, which is part of Salford’s Thrive in Education offer. As part of this, we have a CAMHs practitioner in school half a day each week. Our school recently gained ‘Emotionally friendly School’ status. Teachers can identify and respond to the broad emotional needs pupils, raising their wellbeing to enable children to succeed and thrive within school. For further information see our webpage explaining this: Holy Cross and All Saints - Emotionally Friendly School Outside agencies School works closely with outside agencies. If a child needs extra specialist support you may be asked to give your permission for the school to refer your child to a specialist professional, e.g., Speech and Language Therapist or Educational Psychologist. The specialist professional will work with your child to understand their needs and make recommendations to school on ways your child should be given support.
For further information please see our school SEND policy: SEND Policy and our schools Local Offer: Holy Cross and All Saints Local Offer