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Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School

Love Jesus, Love Learning, Love Life.



Governance of a Catholic School

At the start of the 2023 Summer term, the DfE updated its guidance on ‘What maintained schools must publish online’ . A new section on collecting and publishing governing board diversity data was added to each page. It states that the DfE is encouraging schools and trusts to collect and publish diversity-related data about the people in the governing board. We are currently working on collating this information to add to our website.

Governing Body Membership 2024-25


Finance Pay and Premises Committee

Curriculum, Pupils and Admissions Committee

Chair of Governors:

Mr Eugene Connolly

(Foundation Governor)


Mr Mike Denton 

Chair of committee

(Foundation Governor)

Mrs Rachel Marsden

Chair of committee

(Foundation Governor)

Mrs Annemarie Bell ( HT)

Mrs Annemarie Bell (HT)


(Foundation Governor)

Mrs Cookson (DHT)

(Staff Governor)

Joseph Au

(Foundation Governor)

Ms Frances Vales

(Parent Governor)

Mrs Claire Jackson( Associate)

(School Office Manager)

Jennifer Arslan

(Parent Governor)







Fr Martin Collins (Parish Priest) attendance at Full GB meetings not a member of committees.


The Governing Body has a responsibility to ensure that the school, as a Roman Catholic Primary School, is effectively led and managed to meet the needs of the pupils, the expectations of our Catholic parents and the interests of the wider community and parish. They have particular responsibilities in relation to leading school improvement, the development of the curriculum, monitoring of standards in all areas of school life, the appointment of staff and admissions to school.

The governers meet at least once a term to discuss a report from the headteacher as well as monitoring, evaluating and discussing other apsects of school business. The minutes of these meetings are available in school for parent’s and are available upon request. The subcommittees also meet usually once a term to discuss specific areas of school life.

The Chair of the Governing Body is Mr Eugene Connolly and he can be contacted C/o the school address.






Governance Information


All the governors and associate members of Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School  have signed the Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests


This is a declaration of any personal or business interest they or any relative or person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations that may have dealings with the school. This could for example include owning or having a relative work for a business that had dealings with school; having a relative working in or for school or being a governor of another school.


If any interest a governor has could be seen to cause a conflict of interest they would be asked to withdraw from any decision making concerned. This is to ensure that our governors can always be seen to be putting the interest of the school first.


If there is a potential conflict it is shown in the table. This table also shows the category of governor each person is, any declarations of interest that has been declared.


Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School

Declarations of Interest










This report contains the Declarations of Interest for:


- Current governors

- Historical governors








Current Governors















Mrs Jennifer Arslan




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 12 Sep 2022











Mrs Annemarie Bell




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 15 Mar 2023











Fr Martin Collins

foundation ex-officio



Confirmed 1 Feb 2022







Governor at other schools

Holy Cross & All Saints

St Gilbert's

St Mary's RC

St Patricks



Mr Eugene Connolly




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 29 Sep 2019











Mrs Susan Cookson




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 27 Sep 2022
















Mr Mike Denton




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 12 Sep 2022











Mrs Sheila Entwistle




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 16 Mar 2023











Miss Claire Euston

associate member



Nothing to declare: Confirmed 2 Dec 2021
















Mrs Claire Jackson

associate member



Nothing to declare: Confirmed 12 Sep 2022











Dr Rachel Marsden




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 22 Sep 2022











Ms Amanda McLeod




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 15 Mar 2023











Mrs Victoria Wilmot




Nothing to declare: Confirmed 12 Sep 2022






















Historical Governors











Miss Dumo Moyo

Silverdale Federation

Community Governor


15 Dec 2020


Salford Governor Services



17 May 2017


Friends of Springwood







More information about the requirements to complete and sign the Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests can be found on Salford City Council’s Governor Services web pages at where you will also find the links to all the other local authority’s (LA) governing bodies’ personal, pecuniary or business interests registers.

The different categories of governors on our governing body are:

  • parent governors who have a child in school at the time of their election, and are elected by the parents with children at the school;
  • staff governors who are members of staff at the school and are elected by their colleagues;
  • foundation governors are appointed by Bishop John Arnold from the Diocese of Salford and may be removed by the Bishop of Salford (or any other person exercising Ordinary jurisdiction on his behalf).
  • local authority(LA) governors who are nominated by the local councillor and appointed by the governing body;
  • the Headteacher (HT) is also a member of the governing body by right of the position they hold in the school;
  • associate members are not actually governors but can be appointed to serve on committees and attend meetings of the full governing body. They do not have the right to vote at meetings of the full governing body but may been given voting rights on the committees that they are a member of, but these rights can only be given by the governing body.
  • The different committees our governing body has are:

  • Finance and Premises Committee
  • Curriculum, Pupils and Admissions Committee
  • There are also separate disciplinary and appeals committees which are convened if they are required.



























































