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Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School

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Internet Safety

Staying Safe Online - Home Learning 


Dear parents, 


Whilst school is closed due to the Coronavirus your children are likely to be spending a lot more time online whether that be for school studies, connecting with friends or for playing on games for enjoyment. All of these tools are fantastic to allow our children to still feel connected to the world.

However, we need to remember that the children are still learning about the wonderful world of the internet, so now more than ever, it is important to remind your children how to stay safe online. 


Below are some safer internet resources and home learning packs, please access these and make use of them. 

If you require any more information or advice speak to your child's class teacher or Mrs Randle. 




One Direction Parody Song - "Who do you share your details with?"

Listen to this funny One Direction parody song! CBBC Newsround supergroup 'News Kids on the Block' have some helpful tips on using the internet safely. For m...

Top tips for staying safe online


1. Always ask a grown-up. 

2. Don't tell strangers where you live, your phone number or where you go to school. 

3. Only send pictures to people you know.

4. Tell a grown-up if you feel scared or unsure about something. 


If you are worried about anything online come and speak to Mrs Randle. 


Child Focus 'E-safety'

One of the key missions of Child Focus is prevention. This clip was made as an e-safety awareness campaign for children between 4 and 8 years. It's being aired on Belgian kids channels and will be distributed in other European countries too. Script & animation by CC.
