The relationship we have with all of our parents is very important to us. For parents of children with SEND the relationships we build are vital in supporting their child throughout their time at Holy Cross and All Saints.
In the Early Years, parents are consulted and kept informed informally on a daily basis when they bring and collect their child. They are also invited to discuss and contribute to their child’s IEP and will be given copies as new plans are created so that they can continue to support their child at home.
Sometimes communication may be in the form of a telephone conversation or a home school communication book. The latter is really useful for staff to plan activities to meet the interests and needs of children with communication difficulties.
As a child with SEND progresses into Key Stages One and Two, meetings involving other professionals such as speech and language therapists, specialists from the learning support service, educational psychologist, occupational therapists or paediatricians may be called to review progress or discuss a concern. Parents are always invited and involved in these meetings and their views are sought and acted upon.
Parents of children with SEND will be invited to discuss and contribute to their child’s IEP. They can meet with their child’s teacher to discuss progress and share in the evaluation of the IEP