Reading into Writing
We use the exciting book led, Literary Curriculum ‘Teach Through a Text’ approach to ensure that there is a consistent, cohesive pedagogy used for the planning, teaching and assessment of writing across our school.
High quality, book led, planning and teaching immerses children in a literary world, creating strong levels of engagement to provide meaningful and authentic contexts for learning. As they journey through school, our children become critical readers and acquire an authorial style as they encounter a wide-range of significant authors and an extensive variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The Literary Curriculum immerses children in texts on interesting and engaging themes; inviting them to step back in time, travel to far away places and to empathise and relate to characters from different cultures, diverse backgrounds and life experiences different to their own.
The ‘Teach Through a Text’ Sequence of Learning
Planning for Writing
Teachers select texts from age related Year Group Curriculum Maps. Detailed planning sequences are used to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum for English and ensure a consistent approach across the school, embedding grammar, spelling and vocabulary. Teachers adapt planning, teaching and resources to meet the needs of all learners. recognising those working above and below age related expectations.
Our Classroom Toolkits
A wide range of ‘metacognitive’ teaching strategies are embedded within all planning sequences to ensure children are fully immersed in the text and demonstrate high levels of engagement in learning. These strategies enable children to make links, recall previous knowledge, develop comprehension and apply new learning to different contexts and writing outcomes. These strategies include;
To access our complete classroom toolkits visit;
Marking codes and/or a toolkit/assessment ladder will be used for the assessment of extended pieces of writing to enable teachers and children to collectively decide the success criteria, outcomes of the genre. This criteria may focus on audience and purpose, language and layout or spelling, grammar and punctuation. It may be differentiated for individuals or groups of learners to ensure that every child can achieve. It may be used for peer and teachers assessment and enables children to reflect upon their own work to edit and improve it before it is then assessed by the teacher.
Excellence and achievement in writing is celebrated through: