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Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School

Love Jesus, Love Learning, Love Life.


What is the school’s approach to teaching pupils with SEN?

All teachers at Holy Cross and All Saints have high expectations of all our children and they create a positive and supportive environment for all children. When planning and teaching the National Curriculum our teachers set suitable learning challenges, respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs and overcome potential barriers to learning and assessment. 


All pupils have the opportunity to experience success in learning and achieve as high a standard as possible. Teaching and learning opportunities are adapted to the needs of children to allow all children to access tasks.


All teachers:

  • set high expectations and provide opportunities for all to achieve
  • use appropriate assessment and set targets for learning in order to build an ongoing and holistic understanding of pupils and their needs
  • take account of legislation requiring equal opportunities
  • take specific action to create effective learning environments, secure pupils’ motivation and concentration, provide equality of opportunity.


For pupils with particular learning and assessment requirements, teachers support individuals and groups to enable them to participate fully in curriculum and assessment activities.


  • take account of the type and extent of a pupil’s special educational needs in planning and in assessment
  • provide support for communication, language and literacy needs
  • plan, where necessary, to develop pupils’ understanding through the use of all available senses and experience
  • plan to enable children to take full part in learning, physical and practical activities
  • help pupils to manage their behaviour, to take part in learning effectively and safely.
  • help individuals to manage their emotions, particularly trauma and stress, and to take part in learning


Children with disabilities

Not all pupils with disabilities necessarily have special educational needs. Teachers take action to ensure pupils with disabilities are able to participate as fully and effectively as possible in the National Curriculum and statutory assessment arrangements. Potential areas of difficulty are identified and addressed at the outset, without the need for disapplication. Teachers:

  • plan for enough time for satisfactory completion of tasks
  • plan opportunities, where needed, for the development of skills in practical aspects of the curriculum
  • identify aspects of the curriculum that may present specific difficulties for individuals and plan to ensure inclusion by making adaptations to tasks and activities.

At our school children are taught in mixed ability classes. Within all lessons, work is adapted if necessary to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to access learning. Pupils are encouraged to record their work in a way that suits their learning style. Teachers use a variety of teaching methods to suit a range of learning styles.
