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Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School

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School Council

Holy Cross and All Saints School Council 2022-23

Holy Cross and All Saints School Council.

This year we have 12 School Councillors from KS2 who were elected by their classmates in October. In our meetings this school year we are working on - 

  • Speaking to teachers who lead different subject in our school so that they can work with us to ask our classes questions about the subject they lead.
  • Ways of raising money for charities and our school.
  • Making sure we can let Mrs Bell know if there are things that we think are going well in school or if there are things we would like to change.

Holy Cross and All Saints School Council 2019 -2020

Here is our new School Council 

We hope they enjoy being representing the students and working with Miss Euston and Mrs Bell to give our children a voice in the day to day running of Holy Cross and All Saints RC Primary School.

Each School Councillor was elected by their classmates in September. We meet every fortnight and the Councillors feedback to the meeting the things their class has brought up in Circle Time. We also think about safety and enjoyment in the playground and behaviour around school. When there are special events the School Councillors help Mrs Bell.

Holy Cross and All Saints new Schools Council

Our new School Councillors have been elected for this school year. We have 2 children from each class (Y2 - Y6) who have been elected to represent their class. We meet every fortnight on a Friday lunchtime to raise any issues that the children have brought from their classes and allow the children to share their opinions on how our school works. We have had two meetings already and the all the School Councillors have already made great contributions in the meetings.

The School Council meet every fortnight to discuss school issues. There are 2 council members representing each class from Year 1 to Year 6. The children bring issues and comments from their classes to the meeting and all the things we discuss are minuted. The children report back from their class 'circle time' when their classmates raise issues or comment on the the day to day life of the school or on specific points.


It is an opportunity to ensure our anti-bulling policy is being adhered to by all children and allow the pupils to 'have a say' in how certain aspects of the school are organised (lunchtime arrangements, Golden Time, behaviour).


We also have had many opportunities to express thanks to different staff within school for their hard work (recently a number of children wanted to thank the cooks for their 'lovely dinners'). The School Council have voiced the views of their classes on issues outside of school and in the past we have written to our MP and Mayor to complain about vandalism and graffiti in our area. We had a very positive response from both and they thanked us for being concerned citizens.
